Montag, 24. August 2009

First Week
(check out the classical music channel at amazing)

Oh my gosh...the first week is already over and the second just started a couple of hours ago. Well here is however an update on what I have been up to in the last week.

First of all I have to say that right now I love it here. I am living on a wonderfull floor with awesome people from Mexico, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Hongkong, China, France, Montenegro, Serbia, Nigeria, Malaysia and so on and so on.

Sunday and Monday were still quiet days. We had a Pizza Party on Sunday night (the pizza came 1 1/2 hours late though..well) and monday I had to check with Mrs Gonzales in order to get my immigration status sorted out and met with Professor van der Laan concerning my internship. Hereby I also met the other German professors and it is really fun talking to them (but as it is the Little Man...I am mixing languages all the time)

Tuesday: Beginning of Classes
To be honest, it was better than I expected it. Day started at 11 with 18th century women novelists...awesome class, awesome teacher...

" Just that you now, I am pregnant...anyone else? Because children and grandchildren are an excuse for absense" (Well-good to know ;D).

The class will be really exciting and we just had a short introduction about the early stages of women's writing and to the virtual cyber reality of "Second Life" in which I am a member now...only for studying purposes this time of course.

Next was Contemporary Children's Literature. The professor is still a child in one way or the other and we had to compile a list of five books being not on the reading list as our first assignment. Even though we have to teach, present, write two papers, midterm and final, I am really looking forward to this class.

Last class for the day is going to be the most challenging, controversial and interessting class I've got Medieval Literature and Culture with a semester focus on cross-gender, cross-dressing and transvestism...isn't that amazing? I don't think that a Paderborn professor would ever dare to teach such an uncommon tricky subject (well I hope the Littel Man and I can change that in the future)...

I went to bed rather early that day...too much information at once...

Wednesday I can't really remember (which leads to the assumption that I should write on a daily basis in my journal without forgetting stuff)

Thursday: Second Day of Classes
The second day of classes went well... I have never realized how weird the Wizard of Oz is until now....Oz is no wizard - he is from Omaha. What was Baum thinking when he placed Oz into Omaha? Come on...wizards don't come from Omaha...
Oh and I introduced the Struwwelpeter to my fellow students who propably no think that all Germans are cruel, violent and crazy.

After a weird introduction into cyber reality then (where my new identity and I argued about wearing a skirt or not - isn't it fun to have multiple personalities)...I went to the German department and introduced German Youth Culture to some interested students.

People, I am on a mission to make Germany more interesting for students (I'll let you know if it has worked out in December!)

As a good and educated student I know that friday is actually free-day. However, after a nice late breakfast, Ludmila and I collected the last papers from the International Office for BaföG and my internship immigration thingy...

Yeah there was a slight moment of panic coming up, when Mrs Gonzales told me that it was against the immigration laws to do an internship during the semester...common what?? What the heck does the immigration office need to care about my internship, which is more of a volunteering than internship anyway...well to keep it short and simple:Everything is alright!

The rest of Friday was spent with studying and having fun with our floor community.

Concluding: The first week was great despite some minor difficulties (but wouldn't it be boring without them?). We are a fun group up here on Manchester 9...and usually in the evenings we have pretty intense games of Uno here, sing or just keep on talkin', talkin' and talkin'. I really like it here (yeah I know I did not want to go at first). However, studying at ISU grad level actually means studying, the amount of papers, chapters and books I have to read, assignments to make and papers to not-forget is amazingly huge and there is no time for boredom or homesickness while studying at least three to four hours until late at nights every day.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Sarah, the course Medieval Literature and Culture sounds awesome. please pass the wisdom to me in form of book titles)))
