Sonntag, 27. September 2009


On Friday Ludmila and I had the chance to go to Springfield to visit our dear friend Abraham Lincoln. First we paid tribute to his dead body by spending some quiet time in front of his grave. Then we got an exclusive and very informative tour through his home and finally spend some wonderful hours in the Abraham Lincoln Museum and Library. I am deeply impressed by his life and work...too bad that he had to die so soon.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Hey Sarah,
    I`am very happy to see you behind the desk of
    Abraham Lincoln.
    You will be the best first woman in presidentship.
    Dear Petra as Schwiegermutter in Spe

  2. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  3. Hallo mein Schatz,
    da passt ja der Satz:
    "Wenn einer eine Reise tut dann kann er was erzählen"!
    Sehr interessant...!

    LG dein "Old Dady".

  4. Hey Paps...Reisen sind eine herrliche Erfindung... sie helfen einem eine Richtung zu finden und neue Abenteuer zu erleben und zu entdecken...
