Montag, 5. Oktober 2009


Coffee: one
Milka Chocolate bar: one
Mood: on my way to perfect happiness (thanks to the chocolate)

Music of the week: Helen Sjöholm, Amanda Marshall
Plans for the near future: Learn Swedish!, Buy a new bookshelf

Dear friends and readers of this little blog,

I can't believe that it is already October. It is certainly true what people say: time flies when you are having fun (and are busy at the same time). However, I think it is my duty to inform you about my latest adventures over here and the things which are coming up.

After visiting Springfield and Lincoln with the Paderborn Summer School Students, which, I cannot say that enough, really impressed me, October came along and I had to hand in my first two big projects. It certainly was a tough week and I am happy that its over. Ludmila and I actually celebrated last week with our monthly trip to the mall to visit Victoria and all the other nice friends we have made so far (smile).

By the way I really need a date with Paul hair is growing wild and right now I have almost four different shades of colour on my head, which is really weird.

Also our day at the mall was very interesting as we came to some life-changing solutions:
a) America has big kids, as even I fit in the Junior section T-shirts,
b) Victoria was sold out and
c) we have spend too much money at Victoria's so far.

The last weekend started with a 'German Oktoberfest' event at one of the German professor's house, followed by a boring but studious Saturday reading 500 pages of Medieval French romances. In the evening we had a "Chocolate around the World" event, in which people had the chance to taste four different kinds of chocolate (blindfolded) and to write down which one they preferred...and the winner is.....tatatata: Milka! Does that suprise you? Well, no of course not.

Sunday was beautiful outside and we went for a walk on the University Quad before heading to the library. After reading my 'left-overs', I fell asleep...yeah in the library. Its the perfect place to sleep I think as it is totally quiet...and the chairs were so nice! You all should try that once in awhile!

Ok...a new week has started and I am almost done with my update. On Friday Ludmila and I will be going out for dinner. As by Friday we are already here for nine weeks - which means there are only nine weeks left. Honestly it makes me sad as I really start liking it here (I wish I could stay longer or at least come back soon).

Further upcoming events:
Thursday: Midterm in Children's Literature
Saturday: Day trip to Chicago (train tickets are booked and we are ready to leave)

Furthermore next trip to London in January/February is booked too, got a nice flight and a convenient hostel.

...and my floormate Caroline is going to visit me in January...and I can stay at Mareike's appartment over Thanksgiving...

So, even though I always thought that I am leading a boring life - things are happening next year. Next year - well I think this is going to be exciting and life changing in many aspects.

Dear friends of me and the little man...take care and write comments....also my post box would love to receive some mail!
Kisses and hugs

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